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Houses for sale estate Gloucestershire
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Oldfields - Bed and Breakfast Accommodation
Oldfields - Bed and Breakfast Accommodation Bath

  The house is beautifully furnished with modern features, yet still retains its original character. Situated 10 minutes walk to the city centre and Bath Thermae Spa with it’s own private car park, Oldfields is the perfect choice for a visit to Bath.
 000,00 kr. 
 BoligRumBrutto Md. 
 1 M²01,00 kr. 
 0 M²0 M²0,00 kr. 
 100 kr. 

Great Sloncombe Farmhouse B&B
Great Sloncombe Farmhouse B&B  Moretonhampstead

 000,00 kr. 
 BoligRumBrutto Md. 
 0 M²00,00 kr. 
 0 M²0 M²0,00 kr. 
 100 kr. 

Middletown Farmhouse B&B
Middletown Farmhouse B&B Okehampton

 000,00 kr. 
 BoligRumBrutto Md. 
 0 M²00,00 kr. 
 0 M²0 M²0,00 kr. 
 100 kr. 

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